In Montpellier, hiring a car costs on average:
Over the past 10 days, the cheapest hire car found by Liligo users was a Compact category car, hired for £19 per day at Wisecars, Montpellier Saint-Roch Railway Station.
Here are the most popular car hire agencies in Montpellier and their location, in the city centre, and also at airports and stations.
Rental Agency
City center
City center
City center
City center
City center
City center
The cheapest prices are often offered by intermediary sites. Search to find the cheapest deals.
The cheapest prices are often offered by intermediary sites. Search to find the cheapest deals.
To see all offers with free cancellation in Montpellier, start a search on Liligo, then check the filter “Free cancellation”. Check the details of the cancellation conditions on the hire company's website.
To see all offers including unlimited mileage in Montpellier, search on Liligo, then check the filter “Unlimited mileage”.
The most popular hire car categories on Liligo are the Mini and Economy categories.