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28 Feb - 4 Mar 4 days
5 Apr - 13 Apr 8 days
17 Jul - 29 Jul 12 days
11 Mar - 31 Mar 20 days
17 Feb - 24 Feb 7 days
12 Mar - 26 Mar 14 days
20 Feb - 27 Feb 7 days

*Prices incl. VAT observed within a max. of 24 hours before publication. Prices for round-trip tickets and travel restrictions related to COVID-19 are subject to change, please check the updated information before your departure.

How to find a cheap flight?

How does Liligo compare flight deals?

Liligo simultaneously compares offers from hundreds of travel sites around the world in just one place. Find the best prices for flights, trains, buses, car hire & hotels.

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Liligo is completely free and transparent

Sort results according to your preferences and select the best offer for your destination. Liligo displays the same total price that you will find when you are redirected to one of our partners’ websites.The results are sorted impartially; we don’t promote any one partner over another.

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Liligo only compares travel offers. When you click on your prefered offer, you leave Liligo and go to the partner's site to book your trip.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are the travel offers ranked objectively on the results page?

In order to guarantee impartial results, the travel offers are automatically classified according to their price/duration ratio; we do not promote any one partner over another. However, any sponsored offers are clearly identifiable. You can choose to sort the offers by price (low to high) or by trip duration (short to long). In addition, you can find the average travel time on each sorting button: Smart, Cheap and Fast.

Is the price displayed on Liligo all-inclusive?

Liligo displays the same total price that you will find when you are redirected to one of our partners’ websites. It includes airport taxes, security taxes, as well as application and service fees (where applicable). Liligo is committed to displaying an all-inclusive price. However, if you subscribe to additional options, such as a baggage allowance or travel insurance directly on the partner site, these fees will be added to the price of your ticket.

Can I contact Liligo about my booking (modification, cancellation and refund)?

Liligo is a comparison website where you can compare all travel offers for free. When you click on your prefered offer, you leave Liligo and go to the partner's site to book your trip. Liligo does not handle your transactions, therefore, we do not have access to your booking.

Please contact directly the airline company or travel agency where you made your booking.

Regarding travel insurance, some credit cards can sometimes cover you. You can contact your bank if you need more information.

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