Compare train tickets Leeds - Warrington

Train Information Leeds - Warrington

Travel time



113 km

Departure stations


Arrival stations


Direct trains


Number of trains per day


Train companies


Minimum price


Average price


How to find cheap train tickets Leeds - Warrington

Good to know

What is the price of a train ticket from Leeds to Warrington?

Search to view available prices according to your criteria.

Which train company operates the train route between Leeds and Warrington?

Search to view companies that offer train tickets on this route.

What are the train times between Leeds and Warrington?

This information is temporarily unavailable. Search to view train ticket schedules that match your criteria.

Are there direct trains between Leeds and Warrington?

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What is the distance between Leeds and Warrington by train?

A train travels about 113 km to go from Leeds to Warrington.

How long does the journey between Leeds and Warrington take by train?

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From which station(s) do train(s) leave from Leeds to Warrington?

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In which station(s) do train(s) arrive from Leeds to Warrington?

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Warrington: Prepare your stay