A traveller might opt for travelling overnight to save money on accommodations, because of a sudden change in plans or just for adventure’s sake. You can be sure though that unless you’ve booked a sleeper cabin on a luxury train, overnight travel isn’t all its cut out to be and it’s certainly an adventure.
Twitter travellers recounted some funny, cool but also “glad it didn’t happen to me” stories about travelling overnight during this week’s Travel Talk on Twitter session. Some of the most adventurous experiences sound awesome, others not so much, but you can bet that they make great stories to tell once you’ve returned home. Without further ado, here are the 10 funniest/most adventurous overnight travel stories.
Q2 via @hjortur: What is the most adventurous overnight travel you’ve had?
@MiddleSeatView: Sleeping on an airport floor is always “interesting.”
@Roopunzel: When it involves opening your eyes to tourists taking pictures of u, that would be pretty adventurous.
@emirhartato: I’ve been in a night bus where everyone weren’t sleep..They were doing karaoke! Fun!
@WomanSeeksWorld: Wandering the streets of Harlem at 3am waiting for your hostel to open! EEEK!
@makelovemakewar: When you don’t have a visa… every journey is an adventure. We used to go by bus overnight so wouldn’t get stopped at CZ border!
@OysterWorldwide: Hitching a lift home on a horse and cart in Romania was pretty interesting too…. I got to lie amongst the potatoes.
@evitravels: Train Budapest to Sofia, Bulgaria in 1997. Were stopped about 6 time thru Serbia, pulled off train to pay 16 year olds w/ big guns.
@travel_edits: Spent a whole night wandering around Madrid with a fellow traveller – very “Before Sunrise” -esque. 🙂
@toniwonitravels: Where there’s a man, there’s an adventure. 😉
@greenblayza: Nearly getting mugged by a group of guys on an overnight train from Sicily to Amalfi – we had to hideout and sneak off at our stop.
Have you ever been stuck in similar situations? What are the most adventurous overnight travel situations you’ve ever found yourself in?
Travel Talk on Twitter takes place weekly on Tuesdays at 9:30 GMT and 21:30 GMT. Follow the hashtag #TTOT and join in the conversation. Next week’s topic: Epic journeys