These days technology comes hand in hand with travelling. Booking flights, hotels and making travel plans is done almost entirely on the Internet. Connecting with friends and using social media to get information and updates instantly, it’s no wonder so many travellers are wired while on the road.
Q1 via @luxury__travel: How does travel tech help you most? Explain please.
@CharThian: Way-finding. I don’t have to leave a popcorn trail when I go out exploring.
@WomanSeeksWorld: Instead of having a gazillion print outs, books and cards you can have everything you need on one small gadget.
@chippy2u: Helps keep me connected to friends while on the road plus airlines can now text any changes to flight itineraries in advance.
@MalloryOnTravel: Nowadays tech isn’t luxury its a necessity but we are losing the skills we once had ie. navigation by map & compass.
@redhunttravel: Wifi helps enable you to be more spontaneous while travelling. No need to plan everything ahead of time.
@hyperren: Easier for me to get in touch with my CouchSurfing guests and hosts. So difficult without a mobile, or even Skype.
@travel_bug: There is an app that allows you to point your phone at a sight and it tells you about it!
@Roopunzel: Currency converter app ROCKS!
@Nomad_Student: Does permethrin count as travel tech? Because saying “I have mosquito-proof !” kinda makes me feel like a superhero.
@NicoleTravelBug: To use Google translate so I can pretend to know the language. =P
What kind of travel tech do you use while on the road?
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