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The Traveller's Magazine
  •   < 1 min read

Looking for the ultimate road trip? Plans for a new “superhighway” could see overland travel from Britain all the way to the USA possible, by way of Russia. This would be the most epic trip ever, who’s in?

It’s an ambitious 12,400-mile plan that is being considered by Russian authorities, and could see a complete highway connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. They’re calling it the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development and it would connect with existing networks in Europe to make road trips to eastern Russia easier.

The route would follow alongside the Trans-Siberian railway through cities like Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk and Vladivostok. They’re also planning to extend the rail network to the Chukotka region and all the way across the Bering Strait to the Alaska, making it entirely possible to travel overland all the way from Britain to the U.S., via the Channel Tunnel.

Russia’s immense landscape and panoramas will certainly attract, now let’s see if this project really gets off the ground.

Img: wwarby / Flickr cc.

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