It’s a big win this week for airline passengers caught by delays. The European Court of Justice has voted in a ruling that says delayed passengers are entitled to damages. The court decision pays special attention to connecting flights. Hurray!
It’s true. Airline passengers who arrive at their final destination with a delay of more than three hours while travelling on connecting flights are entitled to compensation. This was the final decision made by the European Court a couple of days ago. Passengers will also be eligible for compensation if their first flight is delayed shorter than three hours.
The case was brought forward by a German woman who travelled from Germany for a holiday in Paraguay with two stops in France and Brazil. As the first leg of her trip was delayed 2.5 hours, she subsequently missed all her other journeys which amounted to her arriving in Paraguay 11 hours delayed.
Interesting fact, flights to and from Dubai are the most likely to be delayed. Flights depart on time only 66% of the time. As for the UK, the country’s ten busiest airports are punctual 82% of the time. Not too shabby!*
Passenger Rights are very important, a point made very clear by the European Court of Justice this week.
Do you know your rights?
Your rights as an airline passenger*Stats taken from Delayed flights: which are the worst?