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Now that we’ve had time to settle in to 2012, the Twitter travel community was asked to dish on which cities and countries they thought would be popular this year. No surprise that London was a fave! What about the rest?

Up and coming

After the New Year we shared our list of top destination in Where to go in 2012? This time the travel community weighed in on what they think will be the most popular places to visit this year. From big city events like the Olympics in London to more off the beaten track places that are attracting attention through ad campaigns, you can’t go wrong if you travel to any of these destinations this year.

Jordan at night

Q2 via @MagellanPR: Name what you think will be up and coming destinations in 2012, why?

@hjortur: There’s a surge in Iceland. Croatia in Europe, Jordan in Middle-East, South-Africa, Botswana and Namibia in Africa.

@LandLopers: Hard to say, but Panama, Croatia, South Africa, Iceland, various parts of France and I think Laos will go more ‘mainstream.’

@the_HoliDaze: Anything Mayan will probably see an increased level of tourism this year, being 2012 and all…

@10kJuan: I think Central and South America will continue becoming more popular due to value, and Cuba due to changes there and in the U.S.

@TheTravProject: Sri Lanka, a mix between South East Asian Attitudes and India’s spirituality – and a government who is anti mass tourism!

@traveldudes: Eastern Europe will be in focus 2012 thanks to the Euro2012. Then I wouldn’t be suprised about Jordan.

@GapDaemon: Burma now there’s no international travel boycott.

@lethers: Patagonia as people become more adventurous and #Vietnam now there are direct flights from London.

@MalloryOnTravel: Oman should be added to everybody’s ‘must visit’ list …. a lovely authentic country.

@MyDLondon: London of course with the Olympics!

Traveller’s picks

Traveller’s always have their own agendas. We know what we like and for the most part, where we want to go. We search for inspiration in sometimes the most far off places and take the recommendations from other travellers seriously. That is why this list is gold! Wondering where the other travellers are planning to go this year? Here you have it!

Cuba street

Q4 via @SustainableTrip: What’s your #1 must-see destination for 2012?

@michaeleball: REALLY want to go to Argentina for River Plate v Boca Juniors, been a dream for years!

@waegook_tom: Tricky one – I have 3! Jeju Island in South Korean, the Bund Tunnel in Shanghai, and Tokyo’s Pokemon Centre.

@Spunkygirllogue: Banff, Niagara, Vancouver & Paris -admittedly, Paris is a bit far away.

@whereisyvette: I’m thinking of going to Istanbul for Easter break. I reckon the rest of Europe will be shut.

@hikebiketravel: It’s the 100th anniversary of the #Calgary stampede this year so it’s a good year to come here if you like cowboys & rodeos.

@kmgong: Doha, Qatar! Already booked my ticket for April. It will be my first time in the Middle East.

@scoutfinch1: Cuba before the capitalists take over & there is a Starbucks at every corner!

@alwaysaturdaze: Am also looking forward to sleeping in a bedouin tent in the sahara desert.

@PLUSHOSTELS: Beirut – if anyone gets the chance, it really is beautiful!

What are your travel plans for 2012? Which places are #1 for you?

Travel Talk on Twitter takes place weekly on Tuesdays at 9:30 GMT and 21:30 GMT, why don’t you join in? Follow the #TTOT hashtag on Twitter and answer the travel questions that pop up every 10 minutes for an hour. Next week’s topic: home travel.

Imgs: kyletaylor, antonnovoselov / Flickr cc.

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