Well when news like this sparks, it spreads like wildfire. The EU has been playing with the idea for a while to lift the liquid ban for carry-on luggage at airports but until now, it seemed too good to be true. Airport security, get ready! On April 29th, 2011 the liquid ban will be partially lifted.Airports expect long delays when the first step of totally phasing out the liquid ban for airline passengers takes place later this month. Currently passengers on long-haul flights are banned from carrying duty-free liquids onto connecting flights while in transit. On April 29th, 2011 this will all change.
Duty-free goods like perfumes, alcohol and even aerosol cans will still need to be carried in tamper-proof clear plastic bags but passengers won’t have to worry about leaving that bottle of wine at the airport when they have a stopover and must go through security again.
The EU sees this as a necessary step to take before completely lifting the liquid ban in 2013. Airports and airlines though are not ecstatic, to say the least. Airport operators expect severe delays at security and passengers are advised to give themselves even more time to get through check-in and security before their flight takes off.
What will be confusing though is that not all EU countries will lift the liquid ban at the same time, if at all, making it a nightmare for passengers to know if their duty-free liquids will make it all the way home with them or not. France and Italy aren’t expected to follow the same time-line as the UK for example.
Until then, this is what liquids you can/cannot bring in your carry-on:
- all drinks (including water and soup)
- cosmetics (including creams, lotions, mascara, lipstick…)
- sprays (including shaving foam, hairspray…)
- pastes (including toothpaste)
- gels (including hair and shower gels)
- contact lens solution
- other items of similar consistency
All the containers should hold no more than 100ml. The containers must be carried in a single, transparent, re-sealable plastic bag which carries no more than a litre and measures 20cm x 20cm. The contents must fit comfortably inside and each passenger is allowed only one of these.
Smokers? You are allowed one lighter per person. It is important that you do NOT pack a lighter in your hold luggage, only carry-on.
Mothers? Baby food, baby milk and sterilised water is allowed in your hand baggage. You are allowed enough for the journey, in some cases this means containers larger than 100ml. The adult carrying the baby food and milk may, in some cases, be asked to test it.
Is it about time the liquid ban be lifted or do you see it as a necessary precaution to ensure air transportation safety?
All these security and liquid problems can be avoided if travellers buy their duty free on arrival, thus circumventing the security and baggage rules. Within the EU “duty free” can be sold inbound or outbound as duty free sales do not actually exist. It was abolished over 10 years ago!