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Everyone’s gotta do it but it seems like every culture has their own protocol when “nature calls.” Travelling abroad you can’t avoid it, as much as you may try. This is a toilet-talk post with photos, funny tweets and horror stories about loos abroad.

Coolest toilets from around the world

Lets start off with the good (then we’ll go on to the ugly). You’ve shared your photos on Twitter and we’d like to share them back with all our readers. If you’ve been on the road a while you know that feeling when you find an incredibly clean and unique washroom whether it’s in a hotel you’ve splurged on or while you’re out and about sightseeing. It can be a godsend and here are the coolest from yesterday’s #TTOT session.

Q1 from @HotelPRGuy: Coolest/most awesome bathroom you have seen? Photos?

Four Seasons Seychelles

@FourSeasons: @FSSeychelles bathroom offers panoramic views & a private outdoor shower.

@ViewOnTravel: Just remembered—I’m a fan of ANY airport bathroom that makes the stalls large enough to bring luggage in with you!

@MalloryOnTravel: Loo in an igloo is pretty cool.

@Bloggeries: The bathroom in the hotel across from tallest building in the world in Dubai is OUT of this world.

@thetravelmav: Best and worst – open air hole in the ground at a tea house on the Langtang trek in #Nepal – I could see the milky way!!

@AmbleResorts: Not a bathroom abroad, but I always love the bathrooms that have glass that fogs up once the door is locked.

Bath with a view

@SashaKerman: Bathing with a view @12_Apostles in #SouthAfrica.

@our_oyster: I was in one in Rotterdam that had televisions behind the urinals.

@the_HoliDaze: In #Japan I found that the “love hotels” feature amazing themes and decorations but even more elegant bathrooms.

Most embarrassing moments

Swiss outhouse

These are without a doubt some of the most entertaining “glad it didn’t happen to me” toilet stories. Meticulously curated from #TTOT, we’re sorry if you were hoping you could just share these and think they would disappear afterwards. Traveller’s tip: double-check your loo door is locked and ALWAYS bring toilet paper in with you.

Q4 via @Traveldudes: What was your most embarrasing travel bathroom experience?

@ScrumptiousSal: A goat headbutting me into a latrine in Turkey.

@traveldudes: A good friend had to run to a squatter toilet in Vietnam. He forgot to bring toilet paper & did it the local way… 🙂

@openpassports: Ugh let’s just say suuuper spicy hotpots in Chengdu followed by a 7 hour boat ride with 1 toilet.

@Tours_By_Locals: Being caught off guard by the “cleaning jet” of water that squirted out of the toilet in Singapore.

@Travel4Press: I got chased into a really nasty public toilet in India… by a cow. It then decided to sit in front of the exit. Scarred for life.

@emeraldcitytooz: Moctezuma’s revenge on plane heading home.

@Walsden_Mercers: More for my wife who had to call a night porter to unblock our loo in Kuala Lumpur, Swiss Inn I think. #Delhibelly

@rickydurrance: Mistaking a bucket of water for flushing rather than hole in the ground next to it in.

@Cemonde: Not mine. A girl had to make a hole in a bucket & turn it upside down to use it as a commode in an open field in Africa.

@jessofarabia: Having to pee into a water bottle on a Peruvian bus when the driver wouldn’t stop during 12 hour busride. I’m a girl so quite difficult…

That’s it for this week’s round-up! Have any embarrassing stories of your own to share? What is the worst toilet experience you had abroad?

Travel Talk on Twitter takes place weekly on Tuesdays at 9:30 GMT and 21:30 GMT, why don’t you join in? Follow the #TTOT hashtag on Twitter and answer the travel questions that pop up every 10 minutes for an hour. Next week’s topic: Arts travel.

Imgs: shared on during #TTOT.

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