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The Traveller's Magazine
  •   3 min read

Summer is practically upon us and as students scramble to finish up their exams, many are also probably thinking about where they’re going to work for the summer holidays. Love to travel? These summer jobs are perfect for those looking to get away from home, gain new experiences and travel while getting paid.

Seasonal staff at a hotel or restaurant

While not the most glamorous of the jobs on this list but there’s always a job available at a hotel or restaurant, particularly in summer in busy tourist spots. Look for jobs at hotels and restaurants in the region where you’d like to spend your summer. Be a server in Biarritz, and enjoy your days off surfing and soaking up the sun. Apply to be a valet at a hotel in the Swiss mountains where you can breathe fresh, mountain air… certainly a change from back home! Don’t be fooled, seasonal workers party just as much as the holidaymakers themselves, so enjoy!

Travel guide

This job title can certainly cover a wide range of jobs in different parts of the world. You could be hired as a guide to organise travel for a private household, hotel or campsite. Your job is to enhance your group’s leisure stay while organising trips and excursions that they’ll enjoy. The good thing is, your travel costs, accommodation and meals are usually covered.

Cruise ship steward

The cruise industry is booming, in bot the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. There are plenty of seasonal summer jobs on the ships, from bartender, housekeepers, entertainer, cook, etc. Working on a cruise ship is not for everyone but if you can get over the first bouts of seasickness, then you can really see the world! On top of your particular role’s requirements, cruise ships are also looking for candidates that:

  • Have team spirit
  • Speak English plus 1 other foreign language
  • Have experience working in sales or tourism


Fruit picker: just watch your back!

Want to discover the world but don’t have a big budget to work with? No problem! If you’ve always dreamt of backpacking around Australia, Canada or New Zealand, fruit picking might be a great job for you. There are plenty of these seasonal jobs available, picking and packing vegetables, prepping plants, planting and picking. It’s a physically demanding job but you’ll get to enjoy spending the summer outdoors, in some beautiful surroundings.



Otherwise known as Willing Workers On Organic Farms, WWOOFing has become a sort of phenomenon lately and is the perfect way to see a new country for cheap. Typically you earn your keep (food and accommodation) by doing a few hours of work at an organic farm. There are thousands of farms all over the world that are looking for helpers during the summer season. No qualifications are required and could include jobs like feeding the chickens, planting a veggie garden, helping with crops or building.



Can you think of anything more stylish these days than getting a job as a house-sitter at a fancy old place in the countryside? Or how about house-sitting at a Manhattan apartment, while it’s owners are off exploring the world? This is one of the most stylish summer jobs you can get, as families take off for the entire summer and want peace of mind that their house will be safe and sound when they return. As a house-sitter your accommodation costs are covered and you’re usually paid on top of that.

English teacher

Teaching English abroad can be a very rewarding and well-paid job for the summer months. It’s important, however, to do your research before you go, and make sure you have all the qualifications that you need in advance. Some agencies will pay teacher’s airfare as well as accommodation. Teachers are always wanted in Japan, South Korea and Thailand.

Where will you be working this summer, at home or abroad?

Imgs: karensandler, dansapples, usdagov / Flickr cc.

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